Tuesday, 15 November 2011

What is Cancer Remission?

All of us know about cancer, and many of us have frequently heard terms such as cancer remission. What is cancer remission exactly? Literal meaning of remission is reduction. However, when doctors use this term in reference with cancer, they mean the level of the cancer cure achieved through a certain therapy or treatment.
There are two types of cancer remissions: complete remission and partial remission. As the name suggests, complete remission is the complete absence of cancer signs and symptoms, while a partial remission is disappearance of a few signs and symptoms of cancer.
However, even when we refer to the complete remission of cancer, it may not necessarily indicate complete cure of the cancer and partial cancer remission suggests the presence of cancerous cells, however, in a decreased amount than earlier.
Remission and Cure
No cure is possible without remission. Remission and cure are interrelated terms as doctors usually avoid using the term cure for they use remission as the term to signify the period, wherein the patient responds to the cancer treatment.
To decide whether the cancer has been cured, a person needs to wait for a stipulated time to determine the type of response to the treatment. Hence, a remission that has almost cleared all symptoms of cancer may be termed as a cure.
While, remission is the period, when the patient responds well and positively to the cancer therapy, he/she may still die following a different illness. To decide the exact type of remission achieved with the cancer treatment, there are various examinations to be conducted within a stipulated period of time and decide what cancer remission is, has it significantly reduced the cancer symptoms and cells or has it just decreased the cancerous cells to a certain level.

Visit  http://www.cancer8.com/, for more types of lawyer

Monday, 14 November 2011

Types of Treatment and Cure of Tonsil Cancer

Types of cure and treatment of tonsil cancer are vast and reliable enough to treat the disease in an efficient manner. Treatment pattern is recommended by the cancer specialists or physicians according to the location and seriousness of tumors and mental as well as physical sustainability of the patient.

Details about Types of Treatment and Cure of Tonsil Cancer

Tonsil cancer is not a very common type of disorder. It may originate in pharyngeal, palatine or lingual tonsils but develops mostly in the palatine areas. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most general cancer of the tonsil and may occur at any age. Tonsils play a vital role in developing and enhancing immune system of children though they are not that effective in adults. Hence, removal of tonsils in adult age by surgical methods is quite common and harmless to the body.

Regular medication and proper dental care is extremely important to prevent or control abnormal cell-growth in the tonsils and avoid severe ulcers, injuries or infections. Tonsils are quite vulnerable to infections and severe health issues may arise if the infections are not treated in time. Tonsil cancer comes under head and neck cancer and develops near the oral cavity. Hence, it may cause severe impact on the overall physical abilities of the person.